Mihail Kopanov & company departed for regatta "3rd March"

In the Bulgarian sailing world, the beginning of March and the Bulgarian national liberation day are associated with the famous regatta "3rd March". The sailing class for the regatta is YAL-6.
This year marks the 63rd edition of the sailing venue, which is hosted by SC "Cherno More-Briz" - Varna at the lake of Varna.  

Traditionally, Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" will be presented by the crew of Mihail Kopanov with racing number BUL-24 in the following crew:

  • Mihail Kopanov - skipper
  • Stoicho Kaludov
  • Atanas Ivanov 
  • Georgi Dimitrov 
  • Petar Nikolov 
  • Dian Zaykov 

Preliminary estimations state that around 20 crews from all over the country will participate in the race. 

Fair winds and sincere wishes for prestigious ranking to our sailors.
Regatta schedule 

28.02 – Arriving time 
14:00-18:00 часа – Meassurement and registration 

8:00 часа – Meassurement and registration 
9:00 часа – Technical conference 
10:00 часа – Opening ceremony 
11:00 часа – First possible warning signal 

10:00 часа – First possible warning signal 

10:00 часа – First possible warning signal 
15:00 часа – Closing ceremony

Photo credits: Kosta Stergidov - Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" 
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