
Palett of medals for the team of YC "Port Bourgas" at the season start

Fantastic start for our team at the 1st regatta for the season - "Briz Prolet" 2019 hosted by SC"Cherno More - Briz" 
The races were conducted at the Varna lake from 5th to 7th April. Our team has acquired a real palette of medals. 

Three gold, one silver and two bronze medals have decorated our sailors in the classes Laser Standard and Laser 4.7 as follows: 

Bulstrad Vienna Insurance Group – heading the XXVI International Regatta "Port Bourgas - Keel boats" 2019

The insurance giant Bulstrad Vienna Insurance Group has become a part of our team heading as the main event sponsor this year`s edition of the keelboat regatta " Port Bourgas" 2019 
For the first time in its 26 year history, the regatta will be conducted as a special branded edition and will be renamed to "International Regatta Port Bourgas - Bulstrad Cup"

Осем медала от държавното първенство - Олимпийски класове 2018

С шампионска титла и 7 други отличия приключи участието на Яхт Клуб "Порт Бургас" на държавното първенство за олимпийски класове по ветроходство за 2018 година.

Надпреварата се проведе във окръга на варненското езеро между 26-29 Юли 2018. За силни дъждове и липса на вятър не позволиха състезателни гонки да бъдат проведени през първият състезателен ден, както и само 1 през последният. 
Така призьорите бяха почти решени в Събота след провеждането на четири гонки при скорост на вятъра 3-4 метра/сек. 

Класиране на отбора по класове: 

"UK Sailmakers" и Михаил Копанов, господстващи шампиони в Конрад 25Р

Regatta "Briz" 2018

The sailing team of Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" has had a fine start at the opening regatta for season 2018!

The annual regatta "Briz" took place between 5-8th April, on which our competitors have made their way to the podium places in the classes; Laser 4.7, Laser Standart and 470.

The uneasy conditions of gusty Eastern wind which varied between 7 - 15 m/sec,  have pushed everyone to give their best in the water.

Audi is the new partner of Yacht Club "Port Bourgas"

~16th June 2017,

Audi presented locally by Westauto-M and Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" officially announced the partnership. The annunciation has been intentionally kept in secret until all details have been finalized. The news comes on the background of the upcoming European Optimist Championship - IODA 2017 which is being organized and hosted by Yacht Club "Port Bourags" between 30th July - 6th August 2017.

Audi is a brand with a tradition of supporting sailing as a sport and will back up our team for the entire sailing season - 2017.

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