
The reign continues - "BUL 24" tops the rankings for 23rd time

The crew of "BUL 24" led by Mihail Kopanov, have continued their amazing series of victories winning their 23rd title at the 63rd edition of the annual regatta "3rd Mach" 
The regatta is also a national championship for the "YAL-6" class. This success is only surpassed by the fact that this is their 9th consecutive victory within the past 10 years, making this the longest streak in the history of the regatta. 

Mihail Kopanov & company departed for regatta "3rd March"

In the Bulgarian sailing world, the beginning of March and the Bulgarian national liberation day are associated with the famous regatta "3rd March". The sailing class for the regatta is YAL-6.
This year marks the 63rd edition of the sailing venue, which is hosted by SC "Cherno More-Briz" - Varna at the lake of Varna.  

Traditionally, Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" will be presented by the crew of Mihail Kopanov with racing number BUL-24 in the following crew:

Двойна победа за Копанов и UK Sailmakers

На ежегодното издание на регата ''Порт Варна'' 2018 Килови яхти, Михаил Копанов и екипажът на UK Sailmakers постигнаха двоен успех за пореден път, завоювайки злато в два класа - клас Конрад 25R и клас IRC3.

След първия състезателен ден, нашите момчета заемаха първа позиция във временното класиране, но след етапа през втория ден и разместванията, които той донесе, поради непостоянен и променлив вятър, бяха изпреварени от екипажа на Phoenix с шкипер Богомил Пехливанов.

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