
Две титли за "UK Sailmakers" на Cor Caroli 2018

Екипажът на "UK Sailmakers" за пореден път показаха, че заслужават да са на върха на класирането в "тяхната" категория.

Състезателите представители на Яхт Клуб "Порт Бургас" се представиха отлично през четирите състезателни дни на тазгодишното издание на регата "Кор Кароли" 2018, която се проведе в акваториите на Бургас, Несебър и Варна между 11-ти и 15-ти август.

С две златни отличия в класовете ORC D и IRC 3, момчетата записаха пореден успех за сезон 2018, а и не само това!

Regatta "Port Varna" 2016

In the early morning today, our young competitors, led by Ivan Vasilеv have deprtured for the city of Varna, where the annual regatta "Port Varna" 2016 will take place, hosted by Yacht Club " Capt. G.Georgiev Port Varna"

The venue will take place between 11th and 14th August in the bay of Varna. 

Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" will participate with seven sailors in class "Optimist" and one in class "Laser 4.7" as follows: 

Mihail Kopanov Victorious - 20 consecutive years!

Mihail Kopanov and his crew has won the 60th annual regatta "Third March" and has triumphed victorious for 20th time in a row howding the undisputed record for the race. 

The event was a combination of regatta "Third March" and the Republican chanpionshiop for "YAL-6" class, which has spiced the final result allowing Mr Kopanov and his crew to claim both titles in one shot.

With one third place, one second and five first places, the team from Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" have accomplished a decisive victory. 

Review - Regatta "Saint Marina" Sozopol 2015

At 17:30 on 12.7.2015 echoed the last horn of the annual regatta "Saint Marina" that has been conducted between 10th and 12th of July 2015.

In the last day udner perfect sailing conditions the last two races have been completed reaching the planed ammount of seven races. 

At wind speed between 5 - 7 m/sec all sailors have reveiled their full capacity and after two outstanding races the final standings were formed. 


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