

Dear Sailors, 

We invite you to participate in our annual regatta for keelboats  "INTERNATIONAL REGATTA PORT BOURGAS" - 2018

The venue is to be held at Yacht Club Port Bourgas, Bourgas, Bulgaria and the southern Bulgarian Black Sea coast – west of the line between cape Emine and cape Maslen nos
from 1st to 5th August 2018.

NOTICE OF RACE in both Bulgarian and English can be downloaded below.

See you soon! 

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470 Open European Championship 2018

From 16th to 24th of May 2018 Yacht Club Port Bourgas will be hosting the 2018 470 Class Open European Championship.

The event will be organized by Yacht Club Port Bourgas in conjunction with the Bulgarian 420 Class and 470 Class Association, the International 470 Class Association under the auspices of the Bulgarian Sailing Federation. 

The event will take place in the waters of the bay of Bourgas in front of the beautiful city of Bourgas, Bulgaria.

Another success !!! - Tеам Racing - "OPTIMIST" 2016

During the last two days the National Team Racing Championship on Optimist class has been conducted, organized by the Bulgarian Sailing Federation and the hosts form Sea Club "Sereko" - Carevo

Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" has been represented by Clement Sarastov, Sava Sarastov, Stanislava Todorova, Lazar Penev and David Binev.

On this special occasion the team has been headed by Liuben Tenekedjiev and his assistant coach Dimitar Shangov, both  Laser 4.7 sailors which has marked their coaching debut. 

Good news from Athens Eurolymp Week 2016

 Athens Eurolymp Week 2016 has ended.

Liuben Tenekedjiev- sailing Laser 4.7, has taken the 9Th place in the final standings from 89 participants in his class. 

Tenekedjiev was holding 1St position through one of the final races, but wavering wind conditions have not worked in his favor resulting in race reduction and finishing second. 


Official entry from for the upcoming "REGATTA PORT BOURGAS 2016 - BOURGAS SAILING WEEK" has been announced by the race committee. 

We appeal to all participants to fill in the entry form and send it electronically or present it physicaly when registration for the reggata is to be made. 

Please be advised that the "ENTRY FORM" is a manditory requirement to participate in the regatta. 

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