
The sailor of YCPB Michail Kopanov went for his participation in OSTAR 2022

The Burgas sailor Mihail Kopanov embarked today on the adventure of his life. This morning he sailed from the Yacht club Port Bourgas to Plymouth, England. The deadliest regatta in the world, which will cross the Titanic, will start from the British port.

MIhail Kopanov & “Krone One” – Head out to "OSTAR" 2020

Mihail Kopanov & “Krone One” – Head out to the top of the most prestigious transatlantic race! 

In 2020 the annual “ORIGINAL SINGLE-HANDED TRANSATLANTIC RACE” or  “OSTAR” will take place.
The host of the race is “Royal Western Yacht club of England”. The first race has been conducted in the distant 1960 and the 2020 edition of the race will mark its 60th anniversary of single-handed sailing race across the Atlantic ocean. 

Palett of medals for the team of YC "Port Bourgas" at the season start

Fantastic start for our team at the 1st regatta for the season - "Briz Prolet" 2019 hosted by SC"Cherno More - Briz" 
The races were conducted at the Varna lake from 5th to 7th April. Our team has acquired a real palette of medals. 

Three gold, one silver and two bronze medals have decorated our sailors in the classes Laser Standard and Laser 4.7 as follows: 

The "Lasers" Sunny Todorova & David BInev seize podium spots in Malta

The young sailors from Yacht Club "Port Bourgas", sailing in the Laser 4.7 class, have recorded a very good score on the "Gill Foundation Day Regatta" which has taken place during the weekend. 

The regatta was a conclusion of their training camp in close cooperation with Birzebbuga Sailing Club Freeport. 

Sunny Todorova has finished 1st in Girls and 3rd in General fleets and David Binev took the 2nd place in the general rankings.

Both of them are to prepare for the European yout championsip on Laser 4.7 which will commence on 18th May 2019 in Hyères, France  

The reign continues - "BUL 24" tops the rankings for 23rd time

The crew of "BUL 24" led by Mihail Kopanov, have continued their amazing series of victories winning their 23rd title at the 63rd edition of the annual regatta "3rd Mach" 
The regatta is also a national championship for the "YAL-6" class. This success is only surpassed by the fact that this is their 9th consecutive victory within the past 10 years, making this the longest streak in the history of the regatta. 

XXV Международна Регата Порт Бургас 2018 - Традиция със силен спортен характер.

През 2018 година, Международна регата "Порт Бургас" за килови яхти навърши четвърт век. Надпреварата беше проведена между 1 - 5ти Август, като в нея взеха участие общо 16 яхти разпределени по хендикап системите IRC и ORC.

Gold and two bronze medals at "N.O.A. Rеgatta" Alexandroupolis - Greece

This year`s annual edition of "Alexandroupolis- N.O.A. Regatta" brings joy for our team! Three competitors have participated in the "Laser 4.7" class four in the "Optimist" class 
David Binev has won a Gold medal in Laser 4.7 in Boys U-16 group and Silver in Boys U-18. This is yet another good accomplishment in what is shaping to be a very successful 2018 for him. He has also finished third in the overall standings. 


Dear Sailors, 

We invite you to participate in our annual regatta for keelboats  "INTERNATIONAL REGATTA PORT BOURGAS" - 2018

The venue is to be held at Yacht Club Port Bourgas, Bourgas, Bulgaria and the southern Bulgarian Black Sea coast – west of the line between cape Emine and cape Maslen nos
from 1st to 5th August 2018.

NOTICE OF RACE in both Bulgarian and English can be downloaded below.

See you soon! 

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7/7 и две титли за UK Sailmakers на Varna Channel Cup 2018

Първа победа за сезона донесе петото юбилейно издание на регата "Varna Chennel Cup" 2018 

През трите състезателни дни 1-3 Юни, бяха проведени общо 7 състезателни гонки. 7 първи места, в класовете, IRC III и ORC Conrad 25, Михаил Копанов и компания, безкомпромисно взеха титлите и в двата класа пред представителите на домакина YC BAVARIA YACHTS, VARNA -  Богомил Пехливанов с Феникс 
Своеобразно предаване на щафетата между Sundowner - отново отбор от Яхт-Клуб "Порт Бургас"  , които спечелиха миналогодишното издание на регатата. 

470 Open European Championship 2018

From 16th to 24th of May 2018 Yacht Club Port Bourgas will be hosting the 2018 470 Class Open European Championship.

The event will be organized by Yacht Club Port Bourgas in conjunction with the Bulgarian 420 Class and 470 Class Association, the International 470 Class Association under the auspices of the Bulgarian Sailing Federation. 

The event will take place in the waters of the bay of Bourgas in front of the beautiful city of Bourgas, Bulgaria.


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