
Twice Gold and Once Bronze at Laser Europa Cup!!!

The three-day competition which is part of the circuit - Laser Europa Cup, this time in Varna -  Bulgaria, has brought us great joy for our team and the sailing sport in Burgas! 
After the low wind during the first two days, our competitors have succeeded in capitalizing their success during the third day and seize two 1st and one 3rd position. 

In the Laser - Standard class: 

7/7 и две титли за UK Sailmakers на Varna Channel Cup 2018

Първа победа за сезона донесе петото юбилейно издание на регата "Varna Chennel Cup" 2018 

През трите състезателни дни 1-3 Юни, бяха проведени общо 7 състезателни гонки. 7 първи места, в класовете, IRC III и ORC Conrad 25, Михаил Копанов и компания, безкомпромисно взеха титлите и в двата класа пред представителите на домакина YC BAVARIA YACHTS, VARNA -  Богомил Пехливанов с Феникс 
Своеобразно предаване на щафетата между Sundowner - отново отбор от Яхт-Клуб "Порт Бургас"  , които спечелиха миналогодишното издание на регатата. 

470 Open European Championship 2018

From 16th to 24th of May 2018 Yacht Club Port Bourgas will be hosting the 2018 470 Class Open European Championship.

The event will be organized by Yacht Club Port Bourgas in conjunction with the Bulgarian 420 Class and 470 Class Association, the International 470 Class Association under the auspices of the Bulgarian Sailing Federation. 

The event will take place in the waters of the bay of Bourgas in front of the beautiful city of Bourgas, Bulgaria.

Young Reporters and Yacht club "Port Bourgas" will be partners in sailing!

On 22nd April 2018, we were privileged to meet the young reporters from "Alternativa Press" printed and supported by High School "Petko Rosen" Burgas

During the meeting, we have introduced our little friends to the world of sailing sport. 

Our background and aims were presented by the manager of the club Krasimir Naumov. Stanislava Todorova and Liuben Tenekedjiev, our decorated sailors, have made short interviews, revealing the positive impact of sailing and why they have embraced it as their sport. 

Nessebar Cup 2018

A second regatta and a second high performance for our team! 

The Nessebar Cup 2018 regatta has taken place in the bay of Nessebar between 13th-15th April 2018. The organizer has made sure to add glimmer to the event with a colourful opening ceremony including a manifestation from the venue area to the old part of the town of Nessebar. 

Due to the lack of wind and considerable fog during the first day, there were no races. This forced the competition to be conducted within two days during which a total of 5 races have been done. 

Regatta "Briz" 2018

The sailing team of Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" has had a fine start at the opening regatta for season 2018!

The annual regatta "Briz" took place between 5-8th April, on which our competitors have made their way to the podium places in the classes; Laser 4.7, Laser Standart and 470.

The uneasy conditions of gusty Eastern wind which varied between 7 - 15 m/sec,  have pushed everyone to give their best in the water.

UK Sailmakers - Reigning Champions in IRC2

Another success for Mihail Kopanow & company! The crew from Yacht Club" Port Bourgas" have seized the victory at the National championship for keel boats conducted under the handicap systems IRC & ORC in Balchik, Bulgaria between 8th - 10th September 2017. 

With a magnificent performance throughout the first two racing days, winning four first places, our boys have headed the standings in all three classes where they were participating - IRC2, ORC Conrad 25 and Overal IRC. 

Bronze for Liuben Tenekedjiev at the 50th Balkan Championship in Turkey

Again, the young talented sailor from Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" has made us all proud, capturing the bronze medal at the 50th Balkan sailing championship in Tekirdag, Turkey.  
Liuben has won the only medal for the Bulgarian team finishing third in the Laser Radial Men`s fleet - headed by two sailors from the host team.

For the second year in a row, Liuben steps on the podium finishing third in a Balkan Sailing Championship.  

We are certain that more great accomplishments are yet to come!  

Powered by: AUDI presented by Westauto-M Ltd 

UK Sailmakers wins at Cor Caroli 2017, Sundowner Third!

Another great accomplishment for our sailors. 
Mihail Kopanov & Company have nailed it again winning at the 17th Edition of the Annual regatta Cor Caroli 2017. 

They have seized the top podiums in IRC2 and ORC Conrad after the three days competition between Burgas and Varna. 
Moreso the crew of Sundowner have finished 3rd in ORC Conrad which is yet another great performance from them after winning the Varna Chanel cup 2017. 

Thank you, guys! We`ll cheer for you again on the upcoming International Regatta "Port Bourgas" 2017 

3 x 3 at the Olympic Classes National Championship

The Nationals in "Olympic classes" 2017 have taken place between 9th - 11th August 2017 in Varna, Bulgaria. 

Our sailors from Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" brought back home 3 more medals.  

Laser Standart Juniors: 
Liuben Tenekedzjiev 3rd Place - He had equal points with the second Ivo Todorov, who had better races securing the second place. 

Laser Standard Men:
Krasimir Naumov - 3rd Place


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