
Three podiums for Yacht Club"Port Bourgas" in "Optimist"

During the past week, two national championships in the "Optimist" class have taken place in Bourgas. 

Team racing and the National Championship where the sailors have clashed for individual podiums. 

As always our sailors are in the top of the standings. They have seized the 3rd place in the Team Racing clutching with the sailors of YC "Capt G.Georgiev Port Varna" and "OMK Nessebar 2000"

On the "Top" again!!

Mihail Kopanov and the crew of UK SAILMAKERS are national champions!

11 races through the three days of the National Championship for Conrad 25 R and Melges, contributed to produce an extremely interesting competition. 

The main opponents for the title were Quantum Racing helmed by Pavel Dukov. The younger crew, have considerably raised the bar of the challenge. 

UK Sailmakers prevails in "Conrad" class at "Port Varna 2017"

Another great regatta for our boys at the annual regatta "Port Varna 2017" which took place between 6th - 9th July 2017. 

The good wind conditions have assisted the hosts from Yacht Club "Capt. G.Georgiew" to organise a thrilling competition for everyone. 

The crew of UK Sailmakers helmed by Mihail Kopanov have seized the victory in "Conrad" class with two 1st and two 2nd places which have guaranteed advantage of 5 points ahead of  "Quantum Racing" helmed by Pavel Dukov finishing with 11 points. The bronze has been captured by Boyan Kostov and "METCH" 

6 podium spots at Cyclone 2017

Between 16th and 18th June 2017, the annual regatta Cyclon 2017 has taken place in Pomorie, Bulgaria. 

As expected, our team has performed on the expected high level, obtaining 6 podium places, displaying high skills and determination, claiming high positions on the upcoming regatta which will be held in Burgas at the end of this week. 

Audi is the new partner of Yacht Club "Port Bourgas"

~16th June 2017,

Audi presented locally by Westauto-M and Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" officially announced the partnership. The annunciation has been intentionally kept in secret until all details have been finalized. The news comes on the background of the upcoming European Optimist Championship - IODA 2017 which is being organized and hosted by Yacht Club "Port Bourags" between 30th July - 6th August 2017.

Audi is a brand with a tradition of supporting sailing as a sport and will back up our team for the entire sailing season - 2017.

Sundowner prevails on Varna Chanel Cup 2017!

Sundowner with skipper Damyan Petkov and crew; MarietaZaykova, Todor Velev, Doichin Mihailov, Atanas Ivanov, have won the annual regatta "Varna Chanel Cup" 2017, which has been held between 1st - 4th June 2017 

A total of 9 races has been conducted for the 3 racing days with one discard allowed. 

In class "Conrad", the sailors from Yacht Club "Port Bourgas", topped the standings leading to the second Ivan Kostadinov with "Impala" and Bogomil Pehlivanov with "Phoenix"

Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" on TWOSTAR - 34 years later!









After 34 years of break, a crew from Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" will participate in the trans-Atlantic regatta TWOSTAR organized by ROYAL WESTERN YACHT CLUB

In the distant 1983, Atanas Atanasov and Onik Chikatyan have crossed the distance from Lorian to the Bermudas and back for 43 days, 18 hours and 10 minutes, finishing 4th in their class on the board of the yacht "Orenda" which is a Conrad 45 class.

Bronze for Liuben at the Balkan Championship!

Another great success for Liuben Tenekedjiev! 

He has seized the bronze medal at the XLIX Balkan Open Champiosnhip.It was a hard fight at the end but as always, he has made the maximum effort to keep the podium spot.

This may be one of the last few regattas Liuben was able to sail Laser 4.7, as he has to advance to Laser Radial and later Laser Standard class due to his age. 

Again this talented young man has inspired everyone in our team, and made us belive, that it is only a matter of time until the next major success. 


Photo: Kosta Stergidov ©

Two Silver and Bronze in Carevo for the "Opti team"

At the annual Regatta "Union" which has been conducted in Carevo, Bulgaria our team has claimed another success. 

The young sailors form Yacht Club - Port Bourgas, have seized two silver and one bronze medals as follows : 

"Optimist" - Boys Junior : 

Silver - Sava Sarastov 

Bronze - Lazar Penev 

"Optimist" - Girls Junior 

Silver - Stanislava Todorova 

All three have barely missed a podium during 2016 and this regatta has only proven that the skills they have aquired through the past few seasons are now constant, and only improving. 

Another success !!! - Tеам Racing - "OPTIMIST" 2016

During the last two days the National Team Racing Championship on Optimist class has been conducted, organized by the Bulgarian Sailing Federation and the hosts form Sea Club "Sereko" - Carevo

Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" has been represented by Clement Sarastov, Sava Sarastov, Stanislava Todorova, Lazar Penev and David Binev.

On this special occasion the team has been headed by Liuben Tenekedjiev and his assistant coach Dimitar Shangov, both  Laser 4.7 sailors which has marked their coaching debut. 


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